«Everything remains new»

Premium E-Mail Domains: on a new Plattform has offered its customers in recent years a stability and consistency that is rare in the IT world. When we started with the platform in 1997, we laid such a solid technical foundation that we have been able to offer a flawless, user-oriented service to date.

Now we have laid the foundation stone for the next few years and are very pleased to present to you the platform developed from scratch.

The most important things:

  • On November 4. we will launch the new platform.
  • You don't have to set up your e-mail program again - everything will continue to run as usual.
  • Webmail (e-mailing via website/browser) is modern, tidy and now also easy to use on mobile devices.
  • The administration combines popular settings in a new look.
  • The technical foundation is again designed for a long-term and reliable operation and offers highest security for your e-mail traffic.

First impression

We would like to show you a short insight into the new platform in this video:

New Website

In a new and fresh design, they have direct access to the most important areas of products, support and login. The support area now offers you a lot of helpful information, structured from short FAQs to detailed instructions. Of course, you will also find various contact options for individual support.

Our mission statement guarantees the high standards we maintain to protect your e-mail communication


Old Website 1997 > new Website 2020
New Webmail Surface

A new Webmail

The new, clearly structured webmail is your communication cockpit - operated on our redundant high-end servers. This is where you manage your e-mails, contacts, calendar entries and notes - it is also your access point for managing and configuring your mailbox.

New Administration

Manage your email accounts, rules, anti-spam and anti-virus settings, etc. intuitively and conveniently in the new Web Administration - which you can also access directly from webmail. Simple, secure and intuitive.

Web based administration
No matter which mail program you use - it continues to work as usual.

Everything stays the same - with your E-Mail app

If you have set up your mail accounts in an e-mail program (e.g. Outlook, Apple Mail, ...), you don't need to do anything - everything works as usual on the new platform.

Do you have any questions?

We are happy to help you, please describe your request briefly:

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